Chill and Thrive: Elevate Your Wellness with Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a cryogenic therapy where you expose your body to cold nitrogen-filled air temperatures for a short time, for the beneficial effects on the body and mind. Adding cryotherapy to your wellness routine helps condition your body to make use of beneficial effects of the cold.

Pricing for Cryotherapy Sessions

1 Session

✓ Private Room

✓ Full Room Amenities


4 Sessions

✓ Private Room

✓ Full Room Amenities


10 Sessions

✓ Private Room

✓ Full Room Amenities


Cutting-Edge Cryotherapy Sessions

Cryotherapy is often used to help reduce inflammation, aid recovery from sports and/or exercise, benefit the joints and skin, and for positive mood and mindfulness effects.

Standing in our full-body Cryogenic chamber in -220º F of nitrogen-filled air for approximately 1-3 minutes is a quick and innovative way to improve your body’s health. Cryotherapy releases endorphins, assists relaxation, and is one of the top tools used by athletes to aid recovery and increase the body’s performance.

For your cryotherapy session, a member of our team will be present offering assistance with the Cryo chamber due to the extreme temperature exposure to the body. We will answer questions you have along the way. Less is more with this therapy, but the difference in your physical recovery and well-being should speak for itself after just a few sessions.

Take in the Benefits of Cryotherapy

✓ Numbs Nerve Irritations.

✓ Treat Mood Disorders.

✓ Reduces Arthritic Pain.

✓ Treats Atopic Dermatitis and other Skin Conditions.

✓ Reduce Migraine Symptoms.




2200 Harbor Blvd

Suite B-150

Costa Mesa, CA 92677